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qlldr LRM-00112:不允许控制参数的多重价值
原标题:sqlldr LRM-00112: multiple values not allowed for parameter control


sqlldr $ws_usr_eva/$ws_pass_eva@$ws_esq_eva CONTROL=/$HOME/controlfiles/CONTROL_FILE.CTL LOG=/$HOME/batch/log/LOG_FILE.$fecfile.log DATA=/$HOME/batch/input/INPUT_FILE_$fecfile.txt > /$HOME/batch/log/result_loader_eva.ora

变量为:ws_usr_eva、$ws_pass_eva和_ws_esq_eva,在我执行舱单之前填满。 我已经检查内容及其ok。



sqlldr user/pwd@schema CONTROL=/$HOME/controlfiles/CONTROL_FILE.CTL LOG=/$HOME/batch/log/LOG_FILE.$fecfile.log DATA=/$HOME/batch/input/INPUT_FILE_$fecfile.txt > /$HOME/batch/log/result_loader_eva.ora


我也尝试用油菜 use灭花=$ws_usr_eva/$ws_pass_eva@$ws_esq_eva 但它没有工作。

Can you help me?



Incase it helps anybody, you need to enclose your paths (data, control, log) in single qoutes. Double qoutes will not work (although sqlldr will not complain, but rather simply ignore the double qoutes).

In your shell, try to escape your variables::

sqlldr "${ws_usr_eva}/${ws_pass_eva}@${ws_esq_eva}" "CONTROL=${HOME}/controlfiles/CONTROL_FILE.CTL" "LOG=${HOME}/batch/log/LOG_FILE.${fecfile}.log" "DATA=${HOME}/batch/input/INPUT_FILE_${fecfile}.txt" > "${HOME}/batch/log/result_loader_eva.ora"

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