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Kohana 3.2 鲁居问题和小问题
原标题:Kohana 3.2 Routing and subdomains problem



     base_url    =>  / ,
         index_file  => FALSE,

Route::set( panel ,  (<controller>(/<action>(/<id>))) , array( subdomain  =>  panel ))
         directory   =>  panel ,
         controller  =>  panel ,
         action      =>  index ,
         subdomain   =>  panel ,
Route::set( default ,  (<controller>(/<action>(/<id>))) )
         controller  =>  home ,
         action      =>  index ,

当我撰写文章时,浏览器:www.panel.example.com 我有错误:

HTTP_Exception_404 [ 404 ]: The requested URL / was not found on this server.






处理路线上的子宫未建。 因此,我的建议来自搜索因特网:

这样做的一个途径是从<代码>中获取分流。 SERVER 全球:

list($subdomain) = explode( . , $_SERVER[ SERVER_NAME ], 2);


Route::set( panel ,  (<controller>(/<action>(/<id>))) )
     directory   => $subdomain,
     controller  =>  panel ,
     action      =>  index ,

Or use lambda/questbackways for more tempdomain:

答案基于对不同小域使用不同的模板:kohana v3:使用不同小域的模板


//Set an array with subdomains and Configs
$arrDomainsDirectories = array(
     services =>array(
         subdomain => services ,
         directory => Services ,
         controller  =>  Home ,
         action      =>  index 
     default =>array(
         subdomain =>NULL,
         directory =>  ,
         controller  =>  Home ,
         action      =>  index 

//Config Route based on SERVER_NAME
$subdomain = explode( . , $_SERVER[ SERVER_NAME ], 2);

//If Not Subdomain set Default
if(count($subdomain) <= 1){
    $subdomain =  default ;
} else {
    $subdomain = $subdomain[0];

$routeConfig = $arrDomainsDirectories[$subdomain];

Route::set( default ,  (<controller>(/<action>(/<id>))) , array( subdomain =>$routeConfig[ subdomain ]))
         directory  => $routeConfig[ directory ],
         controller  => $routeConfig[ controller ],
         action      => $routeConfig[ action ]

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