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Move from Dev Server to Prod Server - The incoming request does not match any route

I have developed an app on a dev machine using ASP.Net MVC and all is fine and it works. I have moved it to the Prod Server and when I type http://mydomain.com I get the error:

The incoming request does not match any route

If I then make a request to http://mydomain.com/pagename I then get a IIS 7 404 page.

It is hosted in a Full Trust Mode and Integrated Pipeline according to Softsys hosting who its hosted with.

I am currently accessing the site via a temporary DNS name eg/http://mydomain.com.serv7.temphostspace.com and my host believes this might be it.

From the support ticket this is what they say *"I believe, this is caused since you are access your website through temporary URL http://mdomain.com.serv7.temphostspace.com/ and relevant setting might be missing in your configuration."

Any ideas?



Turns out it was trust issues not configured right


Your host is probably barking up the wrong tree, unless the site isn t configured. I d try and request a static file you know is there to be certain. As for the problem at hand, how are you wiring up the routes? Could something in production be failing before this and prevent this from happening?

Anyhow, first place I would start is by using the ASP.NET Routing Debugger to see what routes your app thinks it has.

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