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Java LWJGL custom texture

I m working on a smallish game with a friend and we ran into a really annoying problem with sprite sheets and textures... Right now we re just using Slick2D s textureloader and we even tried their SpriteSheet but no luck. What we really need is just a custom textureloader or whatever you may call it to load a big texture, break it into smaller textures, and save the new smaller textures into maybe an array. If you know a site that could help or maybe just paste your code that would be great, thanks!


I had fine luck with the code below in one of my projects. I happen to keep textures in individual files, but it seems to work without issue.

If you want to load one big image, you can do that the same way, and then chop it up into pieces using the subImage method of the Image class. Just note that the documentation mentions that, any sub-image "retains a reference to the [original] image data, so should anything change [in the parent image] it will affect sub-images too."

import org.newdawn.slick.Image;

...whatever code you ve got...

/** Loads the image resources needed for the game.
* @throws SlickException if there is a problem loading one of the images
public void loadImageResources() throws SlickException {
  images = new Image[6];

  images[0] = new Image("images/controls/play.png");
  images[1] = new Image("images/controls/pause.png");
  images[2] = new Image("images/tiles/stone.png");
  images[3] = new Image("images/peds/ped.png");
  images[4] = new Image("images/peds/ped_add.png");
  images[5] = new Image("images/peds/ped_remove.png");

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