English 中文(简体)
提出质询的更好方式。 Mysql + C 语
原标题:Better and also concise way to write a query..(Mysql + C language)
  • 时间:2011-09-19 14:49:22
  •  标签:
  • mysql
  • c


 memset(query, 0, 200);
            strcat(query, "UPDATE Sconti SET ");
            strcat(query, "Sconto =  ");
            strcat(query, nuovo_sconto);
            strcat(query, "  WHERE For_Sconti = ");
            strcat(query, For_Sconti);
            strcat(query, "  AND Cat_Sconti= ");
            strcat(query, Cat_Sconti);
            strcat(query, " ;");

            if (mysql_query (conn, query)) {
Errore query:
                printf("%s", mysql_error(conn),"




根据你使用的MySQL版本,你可以使用发言稿。 http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/c.html MySQL Reference Manual。

With prepared statements you can setup a query like this:
char *queryText = "Update Sconti set Sconto = ? where for_sconti = ? and cat_sconti = ?";

char string[512];

//code to clean the string :)
sprintf(string,"UPDATE Sconti SET Sconto =  %f  WHERE For_Sconti = %f  AND Cat_Sconti= %f ;",scontoValue,forScontiValue,catScontiValue);



页: 1 ......

sprintf(query, "UPDATE Sconti Set "
   " Sconto =  %s "
   "WHERE FOR_Sconti =  %s |
   /* etc .... */
   ";", nuove_sconto, For_Sconti, Cat_Sconti);

说明一使用“C”模板,在Ca"”b 中, b 等于ab>, 等同


always sprintf

it s a glorous function that act as a printf but write over a string istead of writing over the standard output. It s very simple to use by everybody since there is no c developer which does not know printf since his first hello world! Adapring it to your code would look like:

char yourString[512];
sprintf(yourString,"UPDATE Sconti SET Sconto =  %f  WHERE For_Sconti = %f  AND Cat_Sconti= %f ;",nuovo_sconto,For_Sconti,Cat_Sconti);


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