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原标题:Problem with Advertisement on my asp.net page

I am creating a website. On few pages, i want to add advertisement-images(images will be change with time interval specified). for that i had used User-Control which contains a timer and Literal. Time and Image location will come from DataBase. Time is assigned to timer and after that time image will be changed and new image-location and time will come from DB. This works fine. Literal is in UpdatePanel and timer s tick event will be AsyncPostBack. The problem is when tick event occurs, on login page, it removs password(and if i am typing username then last few characters also) and focus on textbox control while typing. I got patch with javascript but its temporary and i want to find some solution for this problem. Any Suggestions ? I want image, Time and redirecturl from DB side. Any other option...? Thanks in advance.... LeO


Try using jQuery rather of Update Panel. 它确实是一个好的选择。



象你整个网页一样,这或许是因为在你的网页上做了一些事情。 导致该页面更换从而重载的Load活动。

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