English 中文(简体)
原标题:Using a list comprehension with "if" to create a list of items without duplication

I have a list word_list = [ cat , dog , rabbit ]. I want to use list comprehension to print each individual character from the list but removes any duplicate character. This is my code:

word_list = [ cat ,  dog ,  rabbit ]
letter_list = [""]
letter_list = [letter for word in word_list for letter in word if letter not in letter_list ]

这一收益代码[c、a、t、d、o、g、 r、a、b、b、i、t]/code,不是预期结果的<代码>[c、a、t、d、o、 g、 r、b、i]/code,我可以说明原因。




seen = set()
include = set()
    letter for word in word_list for letter in word
    if (
        include.clear() if letter in seen else include.add(1),
    ) and include

因为3.8 ,你也可以使用派任表达方式,避免依赖职能附带影响,而职能一般在一份清单中受到抑制:

seen = set()
    letter for word in word_list for letter in word
    if (
        include := letter not in seen,
        seen := seen | {letter}
    ) and include

但是,如果你在执行与清单核对表有关的复制时没有死亡,那么使用<编码>dict. fromkeys就会更清洁。 相反,由于关键词总是独一无二,继第3.7号决议以来插入令之后:

from itertools import chain

∗ E/CN.6/2009/1。 在线查询!


您可以通过一份清单理解来做到这一点,因为letter not in letter_list 系指letter_list/code>的原始价值。 由于<代码>字母_list=的转让在清单完成之前就没有发生。

使用普通<条码> 顺便提一下,你可以随行更新。

letter_list = []
for word in word_list:
    for letter in word:
        if letter not in letter_list:

请参看letter_list ,从名单上删除。 在清单理解之前,即[”],你可以使用一套清单。

letter_list = {letter for word in word_list for letter in word}



word_list = [ cat ,  dog ,  rabbit ]
letter_list = [""]
for word in word_list:
    for letter in word:
        if letter not in letter_list:


word_list = [ cat ,  dog ,  rabbit ]
letter_list = [""]

temp_letter_list = [""]
for word in word_list:
    for letter in word:
        if letter not in letter_list:
letter_list = temp_letter_list

注 采用临时名单作为理解清单。


名单完全乐于重复。 因此,列出其中的内容。

word_list = [ cat ,  dog ,  rabbit ]
letter_list = list({letter for word in word_list for letter in word})


word_list = [ cat ,  dog ,  rabbit ]
letter_list = [letter for word in word_list for letter in word]

myList = [ ],右边的完整清单是在分配变量之前编制的,这样你就可以在理解中看到新的内容。



word_list = [ cat ,  dog ,  rabbit ]

letter_list = []
letter_list.extend(letter  for word   in word_list 
                           for letter in word if letter not in letter_list)

[ c ,  a ,  t ,  d ,  o ,  g ,  r ,  b ,  i ] 


word_list = [ cat ,  dog ,  rabbit ]

*letter_list, = dict.fromkeys(letter for word in word_list for letter in word)

[ c ,  a ,  t ,  d ,  o ,  g ,  r ,  b ,  i ] 

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