English 中文(简体)
原标题:replace two newlines to one in shell command line

There are lot of questions about replacing multi-newlines to one newline but no one is working for me.
I have a file:

first line
second line MARKER

third line MARKER
other lines

many other lines

我需要将以下两条新路线(如果有的话)替换为一条新线:MARKER。 结果是:

first line
second line MARKER
third line MARKER
other lines

many other lines

I tried sed :a;N;$!ba;s/MARKER /MARKER /g Fail.
sed is useful for single line replacements but has problems with newlines. It can t find

I tried perl -i -p -e s/MARKER /MARKER /g Fail.
This solution looks closer, but it seems that regexp didn t reacts to .

Is it possible to replace only after MARKER and not to replace other in the file?
I am interested in one-line-solution, not scripts.


我认为,你正走上正轨。 在一个多线方案中,你将把整个档案装入一个单体,并将这一替代材料投入:



将档案装入多线载体的trick计是将<条码><><>>/>/代码>列入<条码>。 该法典将一经执行,然后才阅读投入。

perl -i -pe  BEGIN{$/=undef} s/MARKER

/g  input

由于你正在寻找两条新路线,你的解决办法就不可行。 没有这样的东西。 这里的解决办法是:

perl -ne print if !$m || !/^$/; $m = /MARKER$/;  infile > outfile


perl -i~ -ne print if !$m || !/^$/; $m = /MARKER$/;  file


perl -0777pe s/MARKER

/g;  infile > outfile

perl -0777pe s/MARKER
//g;  infile > outfile

如上所述,您可在网上使用<代码>-i~。 如果你不希望支持的话,删除<代码>~。


kent$  cat a
first line
second line MARKER

third line MARKER
other lines

many other lines

kent$  awk  BEGIN{RS="x034"} {gsub(/MARKER

");printf $0}  a
first line
second line MARKER
third line MARKER
other lines

many other lines
  marker { marker = 0; if (/^$/) next }
  /MARKER/ { marker = 1 }
  { print }


sed  /MARKER$/{n;/./!d} 


 sed  /MARKER/,//{//!d} 


删除<代码>MARKER 保全MARKER之间的所有线。


sed  /MARKER/{n;N;//D} 


Read the next line after MARKER, then append the line after that. Delete the previous line if the current line is a MARKER line.

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