Outlook logs in to a POP3 server and issues the STAT
and UIDL
commands; then if it decides the user has no new messages it logs out. I have observed Outlook doing this when tracing network traffic between a client and my DBMail POP3 server. I have seen Outlook fail to detect new messages on a POP3 server using this method. Thunderbird behaves similarly but I have never seen it fail to detect new messages.
,在登录后向服务器发出指令。 <代码>LIST给你一个指数编号(信箱中的电线位置)和每个电文的大小。 UIDL
给出的大小和h值。 如果你看到同一大小和散列价值,则认为同一信息。 当某一信息不再出现在名单上时,假定该信息已被删除,并从您的当地记忆中加以澄清。
For complete purity, remember the relative positions of the size/hash pairs in the message list, so that you can support the possibility that they may repeat. (My guess on Outlook s new message detection failure is that sometimes these values do repeat, at least for DBMail, but Outlook remembers them even after they are deleted, and forever considers them not new. If it were me, I would try to avoid this behavior.)
脚注: 牢记标题是这一信息的一部分。 出于这一原因,对头脑不相信任何东西:日期、发送器、甚至服务器的手递信息都很容易破碎,不能假定是独一无二的。