我试图调查一个真正新生的软件坠毁事件,这有可能与管理得失的腐败有关(因为在垃圾收集过程中发生)。 利用WinDbg和SOS !gchandles的指挥,我获得一些东西。
0:000> !gchandles
GC Handle Statistics:
Strong Handles: 259
Pinned Handles: 137
Async Pinned Handles: 1
Ref Count Handles: 79
Weak Long Handles: 197
Weak Short Handles: 650
Other Handles: 0
And I m just curious, what is the difference between a "normal" pinned handle and an "async pinned" one? And can I find which one of my handles is the "async" one? I couldn t find any information on the net about it and since it seems that the application always crashes when this counter is exactly one it might be relevant to the crash. But then again it might just be some internal stuff used during the garbage collection..