after reading the blue book (Eric Evan s Domain Driven Design) and starting applying the DDD concepts in a simple blog like application I have the following question, how do you model a local identity of an entity inside an aggregate root??
Let s say for the sake of simplicity, I have a simple blog model that has the following entities and scenarios: A registered user can publish a post, a post can have one or more tags associated and a registered or unregistered user can publish a comment on a post.
因此,由于评论实体在邮局内有当地身份,我如何模仿其当地身份? I.E. 我不能仅凭其属性而有所不同,因为我对同一用户公布的同一职位可以有不同的评论,内容相同。
我首先想到该员额评论清单内的意见顺序,以便查明该员额内的意见,但这在同时的环境中变得非常复杂,例如,有两个客户可以就博客发表评论的网络应用,在我存放数据库之前,我会发生碰撞。 除此以外,我还必须保持从存放处恢复评论清单的逻辑,以便把该员额节省到存放处......
Thanks Pablo