English 中文(简体)
原标题:Compile-time constant id


template<typename T>
class A
    static const unsigned int ID = ?;

我想国际发展研究中心为每个T.I ve(http://code>_COUNTER_和增强型发展图书馆制作一个独特的汇编时间,但迄今未能成功。 我如何能够做到这一点?

Edit: ID has to be usedable as the case in achange statement

Edit2:基于固定方法或成员地址的所有答案都是不正确的。 虽然它们的确创造了一个独一无二的识别资料,但它们在汇编时间时没有解决,因此不能作为开关说明的个案。



template<typename T>
class A
    static char ID_storage;
    static const void * const ID;

template<typename T> char A<T>::ID_storage;
template<typename T> const void * const A<T>::ID= &A<T>::ID_storage;

C++标准 3.2.5 一条定义规则[基本原理](原强调地雷):

... If D is a template and is defined in more than one translation unit, then the last four requirements from the list above shall apply to names from the template’s enclosing scope used in the template definition (14.6.3), and also to dependent names at the point of instantiation (14.6.2). If the definitions of D satisfy all these requirements, then the program shall behave as if there were a single definition of D. If the definitions of D do not satisfy these requirements, then the behavior is undefined.


void type_id(){}

using type_id_t = void(*)();


// Work at compile time
constexpr type_id_t int_id = type_id<int>;

// Work at runtime too
std::map<type_id_t, std::any> types;

types[type_id<int>] = 4;
types[type_id<std::string>] = "values"s

// Find values
auto it = types.find(type_id<int>);

if (it != types.end()) {
    // Found it!


template<typename T>
class Counted
  static int id()
    static int v;
    return (int)&v;

#include <iostream>

int main()



template<typename T>
class A  {
    static void ID() {}


Using this constant expression counter:

template <class T>
class A
    static constexpr int ID() { return next(); }
class DUMMY { };
int main() {
    std::cout << A<char>::ID() << std::endl;
    std::cout << A<int>::ID() << std::endl;
    std::cout << A<BETA>::ID() << std::endl;
    std::cout << A<BETA>::ID() << std::endl;
    return 0;

产出(GCC, C++14)



I encountered this exact problem recently. My solution:


class counter
    static int i;
    static nexti()
        return i++;


int counter::i = 0;

页: 1

#include "counter.hpp"

    template <class T>
        static const int id;

    template <class T>
    int tclass<T>::id = counter::nexti();


For various reasons I actually went further, and defined a preprocessor macro that creates a new class from a given name parameter with a static ID (as above) that derives from a common base.

Here is a possible solution mostly based on templates:


template<typename T>
struct wrapper {
    using type = T;
    constexpr wrapper(std::size_t N): N{N} {}
    const std::size_t N;

template<typename... T>
struct identifier: wrapper<T>... {
    template<std::size_t... I>
    constexpr identifier(std::index_sequence<I...>): wrapper<T>{I}... {}

    template<typename U>
    constexpr std::size_t get() const { return wrapper<U>::N; }

template<typename... T>
constexpr identifier<T...> ID = identifier<T...>{std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(T)>{}};

// ---

struct A {};
struct B {};

constexpr auto id = ID<A, B>;

int main() {
    switch(id.get<B>()) {
    case id.get<A>():
        std::cout << "A" << std::endl;
    case id.get<B>():
        std::cout << "B" << std::endl;



constexpr auto id = ID<A, B>;

从那时起,你可以通过<条码>/获得特定类型的补贴。 方法:


所有这一切都是如此。 您可根据请求并在示范守则中表明,可在<代码>switch说明中使用。

Note that, as long as types are appended to the list of classes to which associate a numeric id, identifiers are the same after each compilation and during each execution.
If you want to remove a type from the list, you can still use fake types as placeholders, as an example:

template<typename> struct noLonger { };
constexpr auto id = ID<noLonger<A>, B>;

This will ensure that A has no longer an associated id and the one given to B won t change.
If you won t to definitely delete A, you can use something like:

constexpr auto id = ID<noLonger<void>, B>;

Or whatever.

Ok.....so this is a hack that I found from this website. It should work. The only thing you need to do is add another template parameter to your struct that takes a counter "meta-object". Note that A with int, bool and char all have unique IDs, but it is not guaranteed that int s will be 1 and bool will be 2, etc., because the order in which templates are initiated is not necessarily known.



#include <iostream>
#include "meta_counter.hpp"

template<typename T, typename counter>
struct A
    static const size_t ID = counter::next();

int main () {
    typedef atch::meta_counter<void> counter;
    typedef A<int,counter> AInt;
    typedef A<char,counter> AChar;
    typedef A<bool,counter> ABool;
    switch (ABool::ID)
        case AInt::ID:
            std::cout << "Int
        case ABool::ID:
            std::cout << "Bool
        case AChar::ID:
            std::cout << "Char

    std::cout << AInt::ID << std::endl;
    std::cout << AChar::ID << std::endl;
    std::cout << ABool::ID << std::endl;
    std::cout << AInt::ID << std::endl;
    while (1) {}


// author: Filip Roséen <filip.roseen@gmail.com>
// source: http://b.atch.se/posts/constexpr-meta-container


#include <cstddef>

namespace atch { namespace {

  template<class Tag>
  struct meta_counter {
    using size_type = std::size_t;

    template<size_type N>
    struct ident {
      friend constexpr size_type adl_lookup (ident<N>);
      static constexpr size_type value = N;

    // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

    template<class Ident>
    struct writer {
      friend constexpr size_type adl_lookup (Ident) {
        return Ident::value;

      static constexpr size_type value = Ident::value;

    // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

    template<size_type N, int = adl_lookup (ident<N> {})>
    static constexpr size_type value_reader (int, ident<N>) {
      return N;

    template<size_type N>
    static constexpr size_type value_reader (float, ident<N>, size_type R = value_reader (0, ident<N-1> ())) {
      return R;

    static constexpr size_type value_reader (float, ident<0>) {
      return 0;

    // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

    template<size_type Max = 64>
    static constexpr size_type value (size_type R = value_reader (0, ident<Max> {})) {
      return R;

    template<size_type N = 1, class H = meta_counter>
    static constexpr size_type next (size_type R = writer<ident<N + H::value ()>>::value) {
      return R;

#endif /* include guard */


#include <iostream>

template <typename Type, typename... Types>
struct TypeRegister{
    template<typename Queried_type>
    static constexpr int id(){
        if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Type, Queried_type>) return 0;
            static_assert((sizeof...(Types) > 0), "You shan t query a type you didn t register first");
            return 1 + TypeRegister<Types...>::template id<Queried_type>();

int main(){
    using reg_map = TypeRegister<int, float, char, const int&>;
    std::cout << reg_map::id<const int&>() << std::endl;// 3
    // std::cout << reg_map::id<const int>() << std::endl;// error

不能这样做。 对静态物体的地址是,最接近的,但为了处理这些物体(即使是静态成分),必须加以界定。 如果是一条定义规则,则应在CPP档案中加以界定,因为该档案是模板,无法做到这一点。 如果你在主人档案中界定静态,那么每个汇编单位将采用自己的版本,当然使用不同的地址。

I had a similar problem a few months ago. I was looking for a technique to define identifiers that are the same over each execution.
If this is a requirement, here is another question that explores more or less the same issue (of course, it comes along with its nice answer).
Anyway I didn t use the proposed solution. It follows a description of what I did that time.


static constexpr uint32_t offset = 2166136261u;
static constexpr uint32_t prime = 16777619u;

constexpr uint32_t fnv(uint32_t partial, const char *str) {
    return str[0] == 0 ? partial : fnv((partial^str[0])*prime, str+1);

inline uint32_t fnv(const char *str) {
    return fnv(offset, str);

Then a class like this from which to inherit:

template<typename T>
struct B {
    static const uint32_t id() {
        static uint32_t val = fnv(T::identifier);
        return val;

CRTP idiom does the rest.
As an example, you can define a derived class as it follows:

struct C: B<C> {
    static const char * identifier;

const char * C::identifier = "ID(C)";

As long as you provide different identifiers for different classes, you will have unique numeric values that can be used to distinguish between the types.

无需认证员参加衍生课程。 举例来说,你可以通过海峡提供:

template<typename> struct trait;
template<> struct trait { static const char * identifier; };

// so on with all the identifiers

template<typename T>
struct B {
    static const uint32_t id() {
        static uint32_t val = fnv(trait<T>::identifier);
        return val;


  • Easy to implement.
  • No dependencies.
  • Numeric values are the same during each execution.
  • Classes can share the same numeric identifier if needed.


  • Error-prone: copy-and-paste can quickly become your worst enemy.

It follows a minimal, working example of what has been described above.
I adapted the code so as to be able to use the ID member method in a switch statement:


static constexpr uint32_t offset = 2166136261u;
static constexpr uint32_t prime = 16777619u;

template<std::size_t I, std::size_t N>
std::enable_if_t<(I == N), uint32_t>
fnv(uint32_t partial, const char (&)[N]) {
    return partial;

template<std::size_t I, std::size_t N>
std::enable_if_t<(I < N), uint32_t>
fnv(uint32_t partial, const char (&str)[N]) {
    return fnv<I+1>((partial^str[I])*prime, str);

template<std::size_t N>
constexpr inline uint32_t fnv(const char (&str)[N]) {
    return fnv<0>(offset, str);

template<typename T>
struct A {
    static constexpr uint32_t ID() {
        return fnv(T::identifier);

struct C: A<C> {
    static constexpr char identifier[] = "foo";

struct D: A<D> {
    static constexpr char identifier[] = "bar";

int main() {
    constexpr auto val = C::ID();

    switch(val) {
    case C::ID():
    case D::ID():


constexpr char C::identifier[];
constexpr char D::identifier[];


int main() {
    constexpr auto val = C::ID();
    // Now, it is well-formed
    auto ident = C::ID();

    // ...

此处为C++代码,使用_DATE____TIME_>/code>。 获取<代码><T>独特标识的宏观


// __DATE__ "??? ?? ????"
// __TIME__ "??:??:??"


#define HASH_A 8416451
#define HASH_B 11368711
#define HASH_SEED 9796691    
+ __DATE__[0x0] * 389        
+ __DATE__[0x1] * 82421      
+ __DATE__[0x2] * 1003141    
+ __DATE__[0x4] * 1463339    
+ __DATE__[0x5] * 2883371    
+ __DATE__[0x7] * 4708387    
+ __DATE__[0x8] * 4709213    
+ __DATE__[0x9] * 6500209    
+ __DATE__[0xA] * 6500231    
+ __TIME__[0x0] * 7071997    
+ __TIME__[0x1] * 10221293   
+ __TIME__[0x3] * 10716197   
+ __TIME__[0x4] * 10913537   
+ __TIME__[0x6] * 14346811   
+ __TIME__[0x7] * 15485863

unsigned HASH() {


template <typename T>
class A
    static const unsigned int ID;

template <>
const unsigned int A<float>::ID = HASH();

template <>
const unsigned int A<double>::ID = HASH();

template <>
const unsigned int A<int>::ID = HASH();

template <>
const unsigned int A<short>::ID = HASH();

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cout << A<float>::ID << std::endl;
    std::cout << A<double>::ID << std::endl;
    std::cout << A<int>::ID << std::endl;
    std::cout << A<short>::ID << std::endl;

If non-monotonous values and an intptr_t are acceptable:

template<typename T>
struct TypeID
    static char id_ref;
    static const intptr_t ID;

template<typename T>
  char TypeID<T>::id_ref;
template<typename T>
  const intptr_t TypeID<T>::ID = (intptr_t)&TypeID<T>::id_ref;


// put this in a namespace
extern int counter;

template<typename T>
class Counter {
  Counter() {
    ID_val = counter++;
  static Counter init;
  static int ID_val;
  static const int &ID;

template<typename T>
  Counter<T> Counter<T>::init;
template<typename T>
  int Counter<T>::ID_val;
template<typename T>
  const int &Counter<T>::ID = Counter<T>::ID_val;

// in a non-header file somewhere
int counter;


另一种备选办法是审议以下类别:<代码>Data,其中列有独一无二的静态成员领域<代码> 类型:

template <class T>
class Data
    static const std::type_index type;
// do [static data member initialization](http://stackoverflow.com/q/11300652/3041008)
// by [generating unique type id](http://stackoverflow.com/q/26794944/3041008)
template <class T>
std::type_index const Data<T>::type = std::type_index(typeid(T));

produces the output (MinGWx64-gcc4.8.4 -std=c++11 -O2)

printf("%s %s
", Data<int>::type.name(), Data<float>::type.name())
//prints "i f"

It s not exactly an integer id or pretty-printable string, nor a constexpr, but can be used as an index in (un)ordered associative containers.
It also appears to work if the Data.h header is included in multiple files (same hashCode() values).

Here is a pragmatic solution, if you are ok with writing a single additional line DECLARE_ID(type) for each type you want to use:

 #include <iostream>

 template<class> struct my_id_helper;
 #define DECLARE_ID(C) template<> struct my_id_helper<C> { enum {value = __COUNTER__ }; }

 // actually declare ids:
 // this would result in a compile error: redefinition of struct my_id_helper<int>’
 // DECLARE_ID(int);

 template<class T>
 class A
     static const unsigned int ID = my_id_helper<T>::value;

 int main()
     case A<int>::ID:    std::cout << "it s an int!
"; break;
     case A<double>::ID: std::cout << "it s a double!
"; break;
     // case A<float>::ID: // error: incomplete type ‘my_id_helper<float>’
     default: std::cout << "it s something else
"; break;
template<typename T>
static void get_type_id() { void* x; new (x) T(); }
using type_id_t = void(*)();


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