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原标题:why does fopen fail when given value from main( argv[])
  • 时间:2011-09-28 11:35:48
  •  标签:
  • c
  • fopen


#include <ncurses.h>

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    FILE *fd;
    char *ProgFile;

    ProgFile = argv[1];

    fd = fopen(ProgFile,"rb");

    if( fd==NULL )
        perror ("The following error occurred");
        printw("bin file loaded:  %s ",ProgFile);


    return 0;

when run it given this error message: No such file or directory.

but if i hardcode ProgFile = "filemname.bin"; then the program works perfectly.


我一直试图用两天时间解决这一问题,对正在发生的事情没有任何想法。 谁能告诉我什么是错的?

this is c++ on linux centos


A program looks for relative filenames (those not starting with /) in its present working directory; this is inherited from the parent, which is the shell if you execute the program from the command line, and can be set explicitly when you run it from a starter. So, you need to make sure the program is started in the same directory that the file is in.

(你也可使用绝对途径,或采用明确的<代码>chdir)。 该系统称为档案的目录,但两者都很粗略,因此很难将方案围绕起来。


First, this is C and not C++. I don t see any C++ in your code.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    FILE *fd;
    char *ProgFile;

    ProgFile = argv[1];


    if( fd==NULL )
        printf("bin file loaded:  %s ",ProgFile);

    return 0;

对我来说,工作完全是罚款。 确保你通过正确的论点和正确的道路。 我建议你走整个道路,而不仅仅是filemname.bin

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