English 中文(简体)
原标题:Placement new breaks consts and references?

Following the discussion on my answer to this question, apparently:

The following Code is 允许

struct Foo {
    int x;

Foo f;
Foo & f_ref = f;

(&f) -> ~Foo ();
new (&f) Foo ();

int x = f_ref .x;

but the following code is not allowed

struct Foo {
    const int & x;           // difference is const reference
    Foo (int & i) : x(i) {}

int i;
Foo f (i);
Foo & f_ref = f;

(&f) -> ~Foo ();
new (&f) Foo (i);

int x = f_ref .x;

Because of $3.8/7


  • the type of the original object is not const-qualified, and, if a class type, does not contain any non-static data member whose type is const-qualified or a reference type ...

我可以理解,如何提及<代码>f.x。 如果不复存在,则可能无效,但我看不出为什么f_ref。 纯粹因为其成员中某一成员是混淆和(或)参照的,而不应有:它是指<代码>。 Foo before and is a reference to a 之后的Foo



感谢答复。 我不赞成“保证不作任何改动”的论点,因为我们don t目前允许选择异见者到切指,例如:

struct Foo {
    const int & x;
    Foo (const int & i) : x(i) {}
    void do_it ();

int i;
Foo f (i);
const int & ii = f.x;

f .do_it (); // may modify i
std :: cout << ii; // May NOT use cached i

I don t see how do_it is allowed to invalidate referenced values but operator new isn t -- Sequence points invalidate cached values: why should delete/placement-new be exempt?


我认为,其动机是允许汇编者在使用不为人所知的代码时,对<代码>const的物体(注: s constobjects,而不仅仅是指指指指指点人与参考和参考-const)和参考资料地址进行掩饰。

在你的第二个例子中,汇编者可以“首先看到”该物体已经制造和销毁,其次,该物体是用同样价值重造的。 但是,标准编辑的作者希望能够修改这一法典:

struct Foo {
    const int & x;
    Foo (int & i) : x(i) {}

int i = 1;
Foo f(i);


std::cout << f.x;


struct Foo {
    const int & x;
    Foo (int & i) : x(i) {}

int i = 1;
Foo f(i);


std::cout << i;           // this line is optimized

由于<代码>f的参考成员不能重新编号,因此must仍然指<代码>i。 拆除和施工作业违反了参考成员<代码>x<>/code>的不可变更性。


const int i = 1;
std::cout << i;

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_french.htm 在其位置上,不能有效销毁该编码,并创建另一个具有不同价值的<条码>。 因此,应当允许汇编者在<代码>上发布:cout << 1;。 想法是,对其他类型的物体和参考物,也应作类比。



As far as I can tell, it s just a matter of semantic correctness, and the adherent assumptions that the optimizer may make. Consider this:

Bar important, relevant;

Foo x(important);  // binds as const-reference

Zoo z(x);  // also binds as const reference


::new (&x) Foo(relevant);  // Ouch?

物体<代码>z可合理预计其<代码>。 Foo 成员指常数,因此指important。 如标准所述,过去两行的销毁加新建筑“自动更新所有提及(逻辑上)新物体的参考资料”,因此,尽管承诺不变,但“<代码>z


优化。 附录一

struct Foo
    int const x;
    Foo( int init ) : x( init ) {}

    Foo a( 42 );
    std::cout << a.x << std::endl;
    new (&a) Foo( 3 );
    std::cout << a.x << std::endl;
    return 0;

The compiler, having seen a const int object, has the right to suppose that the value doesn t change; the optimizer might simply keep the value in a register accross the placement new, and output it again.

Note that your example is actually quite different. The data member has type int const&; it is a reference (and references are always const), so the compiler can assume that the reference always refers to the same object. (The value of this object may change, unless the object itself is also const.) The compiler can make no such assumption about the value of the object it refers to, however, since i (in your case) can clearly change. It is the fact that the reference itself (like all references) is immutable that causes the undefined behavior here, not the const that you ve written.

如果是符合资格的,你就不应修改。 延长寿命是一项具有严重后果的修改。 (例如,考虑主犯是否具有副作用)

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