English 中文(简体)
原标题:Why does this enumerate this way?


KEYS = {}    
def get(kind):
    "returns a new key of a particular kind"
    global KEYS

        return KEYS[kind].pop(0)
    except (KeyError, IndexError):
        handmade_key = Key.from_path(kind, 1)
        start, end = allocate_ids(handmade_key, 3)
        id_range = range(start, end+1)
        KEYS[kind] = [Key.from_path(kind, id) for id in id_range]
        for key in KEYS[kind]:
            print "within get() -> %s:%s"%(key, key.id())
        return get(kind)


def testget2000(self):
    s = set()
    for i in range(0, 7):
        key = keyfactory.get("Model1")
        print "from get()   -> %s:%s"%(key, key.id())
    self.assertEqual(len(s), 7)
    self.assertEqual(len([k.id for k in s]), 2000)


FAIL: testget2000 (keyfactory_test.ModelTest)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/vertegal/work/ei-sc/appengine/keyfactory_test.py",

line 36, in testget2000 self.assertEqual(len(s), 7) AssertionError: AssertionError: 5 != 7

-------------------- >> begin captured stdout <<

from get()   -> agpkZXZ-cXVpenJ5cgwLEgZNb2RlbDEYAgw:2
from get()   -> agpkZXZ-cXVpenJ5cgwLEgZNb2RlbDEYAww:3
within get() -> agpkZXZ-cXVpenJ5cgwLEgZNb2RlbDEYAQw:1
within get() -> agpkZXZ-cXVpenJ5cgwLEgZNb2RlbDEYAgw:2
within get() -> agpkZXZ-cXVpenJ5cgwLEgZNb2RlbDEYAww:3
from get()   -> agpkZXZ-cXVpenJ5cgwLEgZNb2RlbDEYAQw:1
from get()   -> agpkZXZ-cXVpenJ5cgwLEgZNb2RlbDEYAgw:2
from get()   -> agpkZXZ-cXVpenJ5cgwLEgZNb2RlbDEYAww:3
within get() -> agpkZXZ-cXVpenJ5cgwLEgZNb2RlbDEYBAw:4
within get() -> agpkZXZ-cXVpenJ5cgwLEgZNb2RlbDEYBQw:5
within get() -> agpkZXZ-cXVpenJ5cgwLEgZNb2RlbDEYBgw:6
from get()   -> agpkZXZ-cXVpenJ5cgwLEgZNb2RlbDEYBAw:4
from get()   -> agpkZXZ-cXVpenJ5cgwLEgZNb2RlbDEYBQw:5

我完全不理解为什么“从”中首次印发。 而且,为什么它分给同样的头几个孩子? 我是否制造了一些令人望而却步的关闭? KEYS是个例外的手稿而不是外部物体吗? 我已经去世。


So it looks like when your captured output begins, the datastore is empty but KEYS[kind] has two values already populated. The datastore isn t allocating the same IDs twice, you just have leftover IDs that have never been allocated. Either track down what else is writing to KEYS, or just wipe it out at the beginning of your test.

另外,你似乎通过实际的同类模式。 Key. From_path 希望在网上打字,例如/ Model1 而不是Model1


As Drew suggests, you might add

global KEYS
KEYS = {}

问题的根源在于设计: 难以测试使用高射入的全球状态的功能。 如果把科索沃统计局作为案例变量,使关键Factory阶层更好地服务于你。



Maybe just add a raise Exception or otherwise print the traceback in get(kind) and make sure the first time it runs is from within your code.

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