I have a line plot of prices for three stocks, which I normalise by taking the percentage change from the beginning of the period I am looking at. This seems to work fine, but instead of the coloured lines on a grey background that currently make up the legend key, I would like squares or circles of colour next to the key label.
是否甚至有可能在四舍五入中? 任何要点,无论多么简短,都受到赞赏。 编制图表的编码如下。
Date <- c("2011-09-19","2011-09-20","2011-09-21","2011-09-22",
CoA <- c(100,100,95,93,88,91,98,109,115,106)
CoB <- c(16.5,16.8,17.2,17,17.5,16.5,16,15.5,16.1,16.3)
CoC <- c(3.2,3.18,3.15,3.12,3.15,3.1,3.08,3.11,3.35,3.42)
prices <- data.frame(Date,CoA,CoB,CoC)
changes <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(prices),ncol=ncol(prices)))
for(i in 2:ncol(prices)){ # calculate changes in price
changes[,i]= (prices[,i]-prices[,i][1])/prices[,i][1]
colnames(changes) <- colnames(prices)
changes <- melt(changes, id = "Date")
changes$Date <- as.Date(as.character(changes$Date))
chart1 <- ggplot(data=changes,aes(x=changes$Date,y=changes$value,colour=changes$variable))
chart1 <- chart1 + geom_line(lwd=0.5) + ylab("Change in price (%)") + xlab("Date") +