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R statistical package: wrapping GOFrame objects

I m trying to generate GOFrame objects to generate a gene ontology mapping in R for unsupported organisms (see http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/GOstats/inst/doc/GOstatsForUnsupportedOrganisms.pdf).

However, following the instructions literally doesn t help me. Here s the code I execute (R 2.9.2 on ubuntu koala 64 bit)

frame = toTable(org.Hs.egGO)
goframeData = data.frame(frame$go_id, frame$Evidence, frame$gene_id)
goFrame = GOFrame(goframeData, organism = "Homo sapiens")

However, when i try to map my dataframe into a goFrame object, I get this mistake

Error: could not find function "GOFrame"

I m pretty sure the GOFrame wrapper is in the AnnotationDBI library, so I m puzzled. Any help is extra appreciated :-)


I think it s your R version. GOFrame wrapping is described to be supported in the bioconductor AnnotationDBI only since the latest release.

I just tried it and it works with R 2.10.0



As per the package description, the Go.db package is only suggested rather than depended upon. Hence, a simple


seems to be what you need to do.

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