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Jquery Webservice in ASP. NET
原标题:Jquery Webservice in ASP.NET

我正与协会合作。 NET 4.0框架。 在1个网页上,我必须使用Jquery称呼网络服务。

     var serviceurl =  http://www.websitename.com/webservicename ;
                type: "POST",
                url: serviceurl +  WebServiceName ,
                data: "{ Parameters :  " + parameter+ " }",
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                dataType: "json",
                success: function (msg) {
                error: AjaxFailed

It works fine, if i mention url as "http://www.websiteName.com" but when i put URL as "websitename.com" it doent call webservice. but it works well only in Google Chrome with "websiteName.com" I dont knw what is the issue with that....whether there is problem in my webservice calling or in URL..


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