English 中文(简体)
AS3 促使敌人朝 mo方向移动
原标题:AS3 Make enemy move towards mouse
package {

import enemies.Enemy;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.*;

public class Main extends Sprite {

    // a place to store the enemy
    public var enemy:Enemy;

    private function handleEnterFrame(e:Event):void {
        tweenIt(enemy.x, mouseX, 2);

    private function tweenIt(variable:Number, target:Number, speed:Number):void{
        if (variable < target) {
            variable += speed;

        if (variable > target) {
            variable -= speed;

    // this is the first code that is run in our application
    public function Main():void {

        addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleEnterFrame);
        // we create the enemy and store him in our variable
        enemy = new Enemy();

        // we add the enemy to the stage 

        enemy.x = Math.random() * stage.stageWidth;
        enemy.y = Math.random() * stage.stageHeight;




The enemy class has a bitmapped embeded into it. I am using FlashDevelop to program. When I do something like enemy.x+=1 it works, but when I try using my tween it script the enemy stands still no matter what the position of the mouse. Thank you, Blobstah


我不是AS3开发商,因此,如果与你的法典有任何错误,我可以帮助你,但如果你不掌握如何从数学上把敌人推向 mo子的话,我会怎样做。 (这在法典上,只是你想要计算的东西的一般 j。) 我确信你可以将其转换成S3。


xDistance = enemyPositionX - mousePositionX;
yDistance = enemyPositionY - mousePositionY;

之后,找到了把敌人点向 mo点所需的轮换。

rotation = atan2(yDistance, xDistance);

And lastly, here is what you want to put inside your tweenIt function to move the enemy towards the mouse (at 3 pixels per function call).

enemyPositionX -= 3 * cos(rotation);
enemyPositionY -= 3 * sin(rotation);

And that should be it! I give credit to Be Recursive because it s where I learned how to do this.

页: 1

In other words, variable is a different variable than enemy.x, even though it got its starting value from enemy.x.


private function handleEnterFrame(e:Event):void {
    tweenIt(enemy, mouseX, 2);

private function tweenIt(anEnemy:Enemy, target:Number, speed:Number):void{
    if (anEnemy.x < target) {
        anEnemy.x += speed;

    // ...

So, To add to the answer of Cameron

您可以发挥更一般性的作用,改变变量。 我将举一个小例子,说明如下:

private function tweenIt(anEnemy:Enemy, variableName:String, value:Number):void
    anEnemy[variableName] = value;

The above function will update the current value of the variable you want, so if you would type the following:

tweenIt(enemy, "width", 200);

这将更新贵国敌人的宽度,但以200为限: 这应当做到:

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