English 中文(简体)
原标题:Get function given a list of values
  • 时间:2011-10-01 19:34:00
  •  标签:
  • python

是否有办法,我可以提出诸如[1、3、4.5、1]等价值清单,并获得与这些价值相关的职能? 类似:

I don t want to plot it or anything, I just want to substitute values in that function and see what the result would be.

编辑:有没有办法计算数据的相关性? 就像我给它一份包含数千个价值观的清单一样,它使我恢复根据这些价值观调整的职能。




似乎像你一样试图做一个regression analysis(可能是一条线性回归)并符合价值观。

您可使用NumPy,用于在沙尔进行线性回归分析。 http://web.archive.org/web/20130407175357/http://www.scipy.org:80/Cookbook/LinearRegression”rel=“nofollow noreferer”>。


Yes, the function is called map().

def y(x):
    return 3*x+4

map(y, [1,3,4.5,1])


根据你修订后的问题,我会走下去,并补充一个答案。 没有这种职能。 我认为,你不大可能找到一种在任何<>>><>><>>方案拟定语言中结束的职能。 你的定义不够严格,但任何事情都是合理的。 如果我们仅举两点投入,就能够有各种关系:

[10, 1]

possible relationships:

def x(y):
  return y ** 0

def x(y):
  return y / 10

def x(y)
  return y % 10 + 1

...... ......重复。 诚然,其中一些是任意的,但它们是你所穿阵列的第一和第二个价值观之间的有效关系。 当你要求建立10、15或35人之间的关系时,“解决方案”的可能性就变得更加荒唐。

I assume you want to find out if the sequences [1, 2, 3, 4] and [ 1, 3, 4.5, 1] (or else the pairs [(1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 4.5), (4, 1)] are related with a (linear) function or not.

Try to plot these and see if they form somethign that looks like a (straight) line or not.

你们还可以寻找相关技术。 http://www.statsoft.com


What you re looking for is called "statistical regression". There are many methods by which you might do this; here s a site that might help: Least Squares Regression but ultimately, this is a field to which many books have been devoted. There s polynomial regressions, trig regressions, logarithmic...you ll have to know something about your data before you decide which model you apply; if you don t have any knowledge of what the dataset will look like before you process it, I d suggest comparing the residuals of whatever you get and choosing the one with the lowest sum.

简短回答: 无。

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