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原标题:COCOS2D: how to animate falling bricks into a grid

在游戏开始时,我试图把41个砖.倒入一个6x7的电网,但迄今为止,我刚刚能够把砖瓦倒在同一个位置上。 如果我去除灭 an部分,所有砖块就出现在电网上。 砖瓦的碎块应 down倒在原砖之后的半或两块,以产生步骤的效果。


    self.allowTouch = NO;
    for(int i =0; i< GRID_WIDTH ; i++)
        for(int j =0; j< GRID_HEIGHT ; j++)
            Bricks * d = grid[i][j];
            d.mySprite.position = ccp(168,1000); //the position is the issue, making all the bricks to fall down to the same position
            CCMoveTo *move = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.5 position:ccp(168,91)]; //the position is the issue, making all the bricks to fall down to the same position
            [d.mySprite runAction: move];


 [d.mySprite runAction: [d.mySprite runAction: [Sequence actions:
[DelayTime actionWithDuration: waitTime],
[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.5 position:ccp(168,91)],

And then create an randon time and set it to the waitTime variable. Then each call will move one brick, then wait, and do it again.




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