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TYPO3: exec_SlectTquery with where article
原标题:TYPO3: exec_SELECTquery with where clause

The following selectsam an food result set,beit it shoudn t:

$res = GLOBALS[ TYPO3_DB]->exec_SlectTquery(*, tx_xmluploader_xml_import_tree , xml_import_id= $xml_import_id);

<代码>xml_import_id。 如果我删除<条码>中条款,则行文。

增 编

我仍然不理解为什么不工作。 a. 一个联合体建议的简单工作:

// select all from the db     
$res = $GLOBALS[ TYPO3_DB ]->exec_SELECTquery( * ,  tx_xmluploader_xml_import_tree );

while( $entry = $GLOBALS[ TYPO3_DB ]->sql_fetch_assoc() )
   if( $entry[ xml_import_id ] == $xml_import_id ) {

首先,确保地方会议有以下内容。 php:

$TYPO3_CONF_VARS[ SYS ][ sqlDebug ] =  1 ;   
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS[ FE ][ debug ] =  1 ;  


$res = $GLOBALS[ TYPO3_DB ]->SELECTquery( * ,  tx_xmluploader_xml_import_tree ,  xml_import_id= .$xml_import_id);

结果是头端的盘点产出。 然后,你可以在MySQL执行,以便进行偷窃。

(a) 确保进口_进口_实际价值(数据库中也有)

b) 为此:

$res = $GLOBALS[ TYPO3_DB ]->exec_SELECTquery(
    * ,
    tx_xmluploader_xml_import_tree ,
   "xml_import_id= ".$xml_import_id." "

How do you process the result? How does your expected $xml_import_id value look like?

cu Roman

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