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matlab to python: Access to thematlab cell range Value
原标题:matlab to python: get matlab cell array values

我对口腔和 p子来说是很新的,需要从马特拉布细胞阵列中用一些价值观。

I have a cell array of integers that after i execute this line of code and print the result, i get this:

a = loadmat( file.mat )
print a

{ __version__ :  1.0 ,  __header__ :  MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file, Platform: PCWIN, Created on: Wed Sep 21 15:30:15 2011 ,  juncForward_c : array([[ [[ [[ ([[30]], **[[91], [87]]**, [[3]], [[2.2455372690184494, 3.6052402625905993, 5.5884470309828833]], [[14.0, 4.0, 15.4]], [[-1, -1, 2]], [[91, 89, 93], [88, 85, 86]], [[500, 500, 5]], [[1, 2, 3]], [[11.133333333333333]], **[[4]]**, [[1]], [[1]], [[1.0], [20.365168528421695]])]]

[[ ([[30]], **[[99], [80]]**, [[3]], [[4.0376480381611373, 2.3561944901923448, 6.0857897473297058]], [[10.0, 15.4, 16.600000000000001]], [[-1, 1, 3]], [[98, 98, 100], [79, 81, 80]], [[500, 6, 33]], [[1, 2, 3]], **[[14]]**, [[2]], [[1]], [[1]], [[2.0], [6.6573267908372973]])]]


难道有人会向我解释如何安排手机阵列? (上述内容有多少方面?)

I then have a few questions: 1) Within this cell array, there are variables label and coordinates that are assigned to one array/cell (i dont know which is the actual term to use) -- the values in bold. I would like to write in Python to access this values. How should I go about it?

2) To test, I tried this -> juncInfoF = a.get( juncForward_c ) and when i try to print juncInfoF, it prints None . Why is that so? I am puzzled because previously when i tried this, it works. I could even do this -> print juncInfo[0][9][0][0]. but now I cannot even do any of the above.


参看loadmat(文档.mat ) 返回一个 。 我假定你正在使用从头开始的负荷功能?

from scipy.io import loadmat

scipy doc 仅提及负荷事项()交还字典,但我的猜测是,回归物体a>>>/code(>)在你的例子中是开放的单,在<代码>a>/code>上不再能查阅其内容,因为每年除拨打字码外还有几个原因。


mat_dict = {}
mat_dict.update(loadmat( file.mat ))


a = mat_dict[ juncForward_c ]
print(a.shape) # should work now

指出,只要你正在测试和确定数据内容,就是一个有效的解决办法。 在您的文字/模型/功能中,你只字眼地装上你想要的剪辑,然后在档案中明确填写:

f = loadmat( file.mat )
a = f[ juncForward_c ]


with loadmat( file.mat ) as f:
    a = f[ juncForward_c ]

edit: 绝食阵列后增加属性

import numpy as np

class MatArray(np.array):
    def __init__(self, filepath):
        f = loadmat(filepath)
        np.array.__init__(self, f[ juncForward_c ])
        self.version = f[ __version__ ]
        self.header = f[ __header__ ]


>>> a = MatArray( myfile.mat )
>>> a.header
 MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file, Platform: PCWIN, Created on: Wed Sep 21 15:30:15 2011 
>>> a.shape



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