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原标题:get device flags by device name

hope you can help me: I m trying to determine whether the device is removable or not, all i have is device name (/dev/sdc). Actually, I need to determine when the file on removable media or on local disk by full path of this file.

I ve tryed to search in the current->fs->pwd and all I could find is a set of flags here: *current->fs->pwd.mnt->mnt_sb->s_bdev->bd_disk->flags* where GENHD_FL_REMOVABLE set for removable devices

But i always get the same flags set (as i understand, s_bdev always points to the same device (/dev/sda)).


Is there possible way to get block_device structure by device name? (for example, "file" structure may be obtained by calling fd = open("name") fl = fged(fd) where fl points to "file" structure)


您可使用<条码>_dev_iter_init <>/code>和<条码>_dev_iter_next对组装置进行过滤。 见block/genhd.c>>blk_lookup_devt

有了这一装置后,您可使用dev_to_disk,以获得struct gendisk *,其中你可以检查可移动的国旗。


Read /sys/block/dev-name/removable as it should contain 1 if the device is removable or 0 if not. (dev-name = the device s name: sda, hda, fd0, ...)

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