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A. 探索斯特鲁斯特定特性的问题
原标题:Issues when searching for specific special characters in string Python

I m working on a discord bot in Python that will look for specific trigger words on a blacklist and censor them. I ve got it mostly working, but words already being censored gives it issues.
My solution was to search for "||" (for those unfamiliar, putting text between sets of || puts it behind spoiler tags on discord) and then only run the function if the word is NOT between them. The issue I m running into is actually finding the position of || .
This is my first real attempt at using Python, and its mostly been via googling, so sorry if this is something obvious ^^

Edit for Clarity: an example ideal input-output would be
In: "Omg I m so dead"
Out: "Omg I m so d||ead||"
which currently functions
In: "||Omg I m so dead||"
Ideal Out: "||Omg I m so dead||
does not currently function and returns the error

My first attempt was using
censor_pos = [m.span() for m in re.finditer( || , mge, flags=0)] where mge is the message. This returned every postion in the string (aka dead would return (0,0)(1,1)(2,2)(3,3),(4,4)) I realized this was because | was a special character.
Next I tried changing it to
censor_pos = [m.span() for m in re.finditer(re.escape( || ), mge, flags=0)] (adding re.escape) which returned TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object, got NoneType Interestingly, I did try printing censor_pos to the console to see what was going on, and it does seem to be getting the correct position, the error occurs after.

Because I know it could be an issue elsewhere in the code, here s the full function I m running it in:

def Censor_Trigger(mge, word): #function to censor trigger words given a message and a trigger word
    censor_pos = [m.span() for m in re.finditer(re.escape( || ), mge, flags=0)] #finds all instances of "||" to know which parts of message are censored
    trigger_pos = [m.span() for m in re.finditer(word, mge, flags=re.IGNORECASE)] #finds all instances of a trigger word, giving positions as tuples in an array
    censored_msg = mge
    print (censor_pos)
    print (trigger_pos)
    y = 0 #variable to account for position change when censoring multiple instances of the same word
    for x in trigger_pos:
        a = 0
        is_censored = False
        for z in censor_pos:
            if  0<=a and (a+1)<(len(censor_pos)):
                if censor_pos[a][1]<=x[0]<=censor_pos[a+1][0]:
                    is_censored = True
                    is_censored = False          

        if is_censored == False:
            censored_msg = censored_msg[:x[1]+(y*4)] + "||" + censored_msg[x[1]+(y*4):]
            censored_msg = censored_msg[:(x[0]+1+(y*4))] + "||" + censored_msg[(x[0]+1+(y*4)):]    
    return censored_msg


trigger_words = ["dead", "trigger", "example", "another"] #list of triggers
for x in trigger_words: #runs the function to censor trigger words for all words in the trigger list
                 Mess = Censor_Trigger(Mess, x)


[2023-09-03 19:26:01] [ERROR   ] discord.client: Ignoring exception in on_message
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:UsersuserAppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython311Libsite-packagesdiscordclient.py", line 441, in _run_event
    await coro(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:UsersuserDesktopDiscord Bot FunTest Code.py", line 17, in on_message
    Mess = Censor_Trigger(Mess, x)
  File "C:UsersuserDesktopDiscord Bot FunTest Code.py", line 37, in Censor_Trigger
    censor_pos = [m.span() for m in re.finditer(re.escape( || ), mge, flags=0)] #finds all instances of "||" to know which parts of message are censored
  File "C:UsersuserAppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython311Lib
e\__init__.py", line 223, in finditer
    return _compile(pattern, flags).finditer(string)
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object, got  NoneType 

What you are trying to accomplish is possible only with messages from your own bot. As stated in Message.edit Documentation the Bot can Not edit another user s message, and it will raise a Forbidden exception.


async def on_message(message: discord.Message):
    censor_words = ["dead", "trigger", "example", "another"]

    matching_item = next((item for item in censor_words if item in message.content), None)
    if matching_item:
        ret_message = message.content.replace(matching_item, f"{matching_item[0]}||{matching_item[1:]}||")
        await message.edit(content=ret_message)


async def on_message(message: discord.Message):
    censor_words = ["dead", "trigger", "example", "another"]

    if message.author == bot.user:
    matching_item = next((item for item in censor_words if item in message.content), None)
    if matching_item:
        user = message.author
        ret_message = message.content.replace(matching_item, f"{matching_item[0]}||{matching_item[1:]}||")
        await message.delete()
        await message.channel.send(content=f"{user.mention}

通知说,如果电文的作者是Bot公司本身,我也增加了检查,但我并不认为需要,因为答复将在该词的第一封信之后有t > /code”,因此它会引发这种情况。

With a lot of printing to console mid program, I realized my issue! during my check to see if the censored word was between censor bars, I had added a return in the if statements, thus applying nothing to Mess, thus when it tried to run the function again using Mess, it gave the error. The actual code to find and avoid the censor bars was completely functional facepalm
For those here looking for the actual answer, the exact line of code I used to identify the censor bars was

censor_pos = [m.span() for m in re.finditer(re.escape( || ), mge, flags=0)]  

问题中所贴出的代码仅需要从该职能中的陈述中删除<代码>return。 然后,我补充说,如果说要将问题的最后价值(即警告性信息)进行比较的话。 内容(原电文),只有删除,如果信息不同,则不予理会。

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