I am working on a simple application that I need to be run as a service and report gps position every 3 minutes. I already have a working example based on the tutorial, but still have the followin doubts.
The starting of the service
GPS1.Start(5*60*1000, 0)
Says first parameter is time lapse, and 2nd parameter is distance difference, How is determined, based on prior position ?If I want to do what I stated before and I am scheduling / starting service every 3 minutes, this means I will need to ask a
to get latest fix? what would be the gain to use the parameters?I trying in a NexusOne and the Time object comes with local time, I have to do this to make it UTC but this is a tweak to the code. Is this a standard or could It change based on Phone model ?
hora=DateTime.Date(Location1.Time + 6*DateTime.TicksPerHour)