我们在土耳其的温得服务器2008R2基金会安装了我们的软件(客户网站)。 (So locale被定在土耳其,因此,土耳其语中显示所有手法和电文。) 我们正在使用2005年的服务器。 数据库的核对是SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI
缩略语* 姓名:
ArgumentException: <column name> column does not belong to table Table
This column is our callid column! When we change the column name in database to callid, or CalliD we don t get the exception. I ve seen this article called Introduce the Turkish I issue and as I understand it the issue the article address is when collation = TURKISH_CI_AS.
What am I missing here? I d appreciate any helpful input.