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原标题:How to load a single icon from the resources of another file using Delphi?

I want to load an icon (from another file) which doesn t have multiple icons embedded in it (it s not an icon group). I don t know its size. I use now this code to retrieve the handle of the icon and use it with a TIcon.Handle:

function ResourceToIconHandle(hFile: hModule; IDname: PChar): HICON;
   hLoadIcon1: THandle;
   pGIcon1: Pointer;
   hGicon1 := FindResource(hFile, IDName, RT_ICON);
   if hGicon1 <> 0 then
      hLoadIcon1 := LoadResource(hFile, hGicon1);
      pGicon1 := LockResource(hLoadIcon1);
      Result := CreateIconfromResource(pGicon1,
           SizeofResource(hFile, hGicon1),

Yes, it s only a part of the code (if you want I ll show all). It works with only one problem: CreateIconfromResource function is giving me any icon streched at 32x32:


But I want to get the icons at their original resolution: 2

I know that CreateIconfromResource is designed to get them at the same resolution, that s why I m looking for another function. Thank you for your help.



<代码>CreateIconFromResourceEx,请您提供所希望的宽度/公顷, 创建IconFromResource 正在对这些系统使用默认系统(例如:上的解释>LR_DEFAULTSIZE):

Uses the width or height specified by the system metric values for cursors or icons, if the cxDesired or cyDesired values are set to zero. If this flag is not specified and cxDesired and cyDesired are set to zero, the function uses the actual resource size. If the resource contains multiple images, the function uses the size of the first image.


Roman R.可能是正确的,但我也补充说,你必须确定TIcon客体的适当尺寸,然后才能确定手脚。

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