my delphi 2009 app has a basic translation system that uses GNUGetText. i had used some win API calls to prepare the fonts. i thought it was working correctly until recently when someone from Malta had a problem with my app failing precisely in this area. my app is used globally. some of this code may have become obsolete since d2009 uses unicode.
is all of this truly necessary in order for my app to work in all locales?
it s been my understanding i must set the TForm instance s Font.Charset according to the user s locale. is this correct?
TranslateCharsetInfo( ) win API function
delphi 2009 s windows.pas says:
function TranslateCharsetInfo(var lpSrc: DWORD; var lpCs: TCharsetInfo;
dwFlags: DWORD): BOOL;
delphi 5 s windows.pas says:
function TranslateCharsetInfo(var lpSrc: DWORD; var lpCs: TCharsetInfo;
dwFlags: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall;
from microsoft s MSDN:
BOOL TranslateCharsetInfo(
__inout DWORD FAR *lpSrc,
__in DWORD dwFlags
back when this code was written (back in delphi 5 days), the word was the inport of the function was incorrect and the correct way was:
function TranslateCharsetInfo(lpSrc: Pointer; var lpCs: TCharsetInfo;
dwFlags: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; external gdi32;
notice that the d2009 windows.pas file copy is not stdcall. which declaration of TranslateCharsetInfo should i be using?
The code
that aside, essentially i ve been doing the following:
Buffer : PChar;
iSize, iCodePage : integer;
rCharsetInfo: TCharsetInfo;
// SysLocale.DefaultLCID = 1802
iSize := GetLocaleInfo(SysLocale.DefaultLCID, LOCALE_IDefaultAnsiCodePage,
nil, 0);
// size=14
GetMem(Buffer, iSize);
if GetLocaleInfo(SysLocale.DefaultLCID, LOCALE_IDefaultAnsiCodePage, Buffer,
iSize)=0 then
// Buffer contains 0 so codepage = 0
iCodePage:=Result := StrToInt(string(Buffer));
// this function is not called according to MSDN s directions for
// TCI_SRCCODEPAGE and the call fails.
if not TranslateCharsetInfo(Pointer(iCodePage), rCharsetInfo,
// acts upon the form
Font.Charset:= rCharsetInfo.ciCharset;
i just don t know enough about this...strangely enough, years ago when i wrote this, i was persuaded that it was working correctly. the results of...failing to check API call return code...
isn t there a smarter way to do all this? doesn t the RTL/VCL do most/all of this automatically? my instincts tell me i m working too hard on this...
thank you for your help!