English 中文(简体)
聚变和数据隐藏: 基础阶层是否凌驾于或无视衍生的阶层准入限制?
原标题:Polymorphism and data hiding: Does a base class override or ignore a derived class access restrictions?


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Base {
    virtual void Message() = 0;

class Intermediate : public Base {


class Final : public Intermediate {
    void Message() {
        cout << "Hello World!" << endl;

int main() {
    Final final;
    /* Wont work (obviously):
    Final* finalPtr = &final;
    // Works:
    Intermediate* finalPtr = &final; // or Base* finalPtr = &final;

    return 0;

Take note of the following:

  1. In the abstract Base class, the pure virtual function message() is public
  2. Intermediate class (also abstract) inherits from Base class (Does message() function remain public pure virtual in Intermediate?)
  3. Final class inherits from Intermediate class and message() function is private (by default)
  4. In main, an object of type Final is created
  5. An Intermediate pointer to the Final object is created

Question: If you run the program, the line finalPtr->Message(); successfully invokes Final s implementation of message() function though its private. How does that happen? Does a base class override or ignore a derived class access restrictions?

Related Question: In relation to (2.) above, what is the right way to define Intermediate class? Does one need to re-declare the pure virtual function message() from the base class bearing in mind that Intermediate class is not intended to provide an implementation.

<>光> 对《守则》进行了数字火星孔径仪和微软视像素演化器(cl)的测试,并在两种情况下都做了公正的罚款。


如何做到这一点? 基础阶层是否凌驾于或无视衍生的阶层准入限制?

With Public Inheritance all public members of the Base class become public members of the derived class. So Yes Message() is public function in Intermediate.

该职能按基类(Intermediate)规定,职能在基类公开。 动态的派遣(即实际要求转授班职能)只是在操作时间才发生,因此这项工作是可行的。


如果你把这一职能放在衍生班子上,那么汇编者在汇编时就会发现,<代码>Message(<>>在Final中被宣布为<> 私人,从而造成错误。


在这里,<代码>Intermediate类别为“摘要”类,只要你不需要制造这一类物体,该类物品将处以罚款。 请注意,您可设立摘要类的协调人。


在C++中,虚拟用户和用户相互排斥。 因此,在C++中,对虚拟方法的使用可以缩小,而在C#或Java,则是不可能的。


In your commented code, the virtual function having restricted access is called via the Final class pointer. Hence the compilation error.

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