我要说的是,谷歌应用引擎的Backends 。
Dynamic backends come into existence when they receive a request, and
are turned down when idle; they are ideal for work that is
intermittent or driven by user activity. For more information about
the differences between resident and dynamic backends, see Types of
Backends and also the discussion of Startup and Shutdown.
Backends do not automatically scale in response to request volume.
Instead, you specify the number of instances of each backend, and
change this number by performing an update or configure command. The
number of instances is usually set in proportion to the size of a
dataset or the degree of processing power you want to bring to bear on
a problem. Cost may also be a consideration.
在你的情况下,你只能带上6am的背书,进行长时间的计算(不限10分钟的时间限制,也不使用 URLFetch 图书馆,在必要时发送结果。 这里的倒数是,如果按照自由配额计算,你将支付9美元/月的费用(尽管你可以用来获得冰和牛肉后盾)。
或者,你只能使用亚马孙EC2,根据你需要的所有代码定制图像,在S3储存这种图像,并在6am焚烧一个案例,进行截肢,并在做完后杀死它,并取得必要的结果。 在这里,你只收取两小时的费用,另外还有几个百分点,以储存S3的形象。