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Redis 行政小组[闭门会议]
原标题:Redis administration panel [closed]
  • 时间:2011-10-10 17:29:56
  •  标签:
  • redis

问我们 提议或找到一种工具、图书馆或偏袒场外资源的问题,在Stack Overflow,因为它们往往吸引有意见的答复和垃圾邮件。 相反, 问题以及迄今为止为解决这一问题所做的工作。

Closed 9 years ago.

是否有标准或实际标准的全球调查管理小组? 我愿通过网络接口看到我的红星病例的一般健康和状况。 诸如登录、记忆使用趋势等先进缺陷是冰.,但没有必要。 I m在Hadoop集群上运行红星,在那里,我有网页供职Tracker、姓名Node、Ganglia等使用。

There are a few out there, but at first glance they don t seem ready for prime time.


I am a big fan of Redis-Commander

Give a try to Redsmin (long description here). Its a fully online GUI for Redis that provides a lot of features.

It currently offers:

  • No installation and cross-platform
  • Multiple database management (with direct or proxied access)
  • Keys tree and list view (with optional real-time update)
  • Batch operation over multiple key that match a pattern
  • Data editor
  • LUA editor


Redis JavaScript API

  • Monitoring features
  • Online terminal with auto-completion and inline-documentation
  • Real-time data-visualization (histogram, pie, ...)
  • Monitoring (and alerting soon)


enter image description here

I ve正在运行:Redmon,几天后,它做了一项出色的工作,描绘了活着的记忆和关键空间。 它在安装了附属设施后很容易操作。

。 比较容易消化的产出格式太困难。

也可以尝试phpredmin。 报告简单地介绍了您的重新印发情况,并提供了一个操纵数据库和钥匙的小组。

我刚刚发现另一个再处理的行政方案,即单一档案,非常容易建立(我不得不在方案第60条线上改变再卸载体的要求)。 它既简单又充分!


There is also the project RedWeb. It is written in Python, and is built on the Bottle micro-framework.

How do you mix SQL DB vs. Key-Value store (i.e. Redis)

I m reviewing my code and realize I spend a tremendous amount of time taking rows from a database, formatting as XML, AJAX GET to browser, and then converting back into a hashed javascript object ...

Predis sharding (consistent hashing)

Predis claim to have Client-side sharding (support for consistent hashing of keys). http://github.com/nrk/predis I can do sharding using connect to an array of profiles (nodes) but it isn t ...

key value stores for extendable objects

http://www.infoq.com/presentations/newport-evolving-key-value-programming-model is a video about KV stores, and the whole premise is that redis promotes a column-based style for storing the attributes ...

nginx/redis and handling tracking params in url

I am using nginx and redis in my website. For several items on my site, I want to add tracking params to their urls so that when a user clicks on an item, I can collect statistics of user usage apart ...
