is a video about KV stores, and the whole premise is that redis promotes a column-based style for storing the attributes of an object under separate keys rather than serialising an object and storing it under a single key.
(This question is not redis-specific, but more a general style and best practice for KV stores in general.)
Instead of a blob for, say, a person , redis encourages a column based style where the attributes in an object are stored as separate key, e.g.
I am curious if this is best practice, and if people take different approaches.
E.g. you could pickle an object under a single key. This has the advantage of being fetched or set in a single request
Or a person could be a list with the first item being a field name index or such?
This got me thinking - I d like a hierarchical key store, e.g.
R.get(["U:123"]) returns [("firstname","Billy"),("surname","Newport")]
And then to add in transactions:
with(R.get(["U:132"]) as user):
From a scaling perspective, the batching of gets and sets is going to be important?
Are there key stores that do have support for this or have other applicable approaches?