I have a little problem using the Google API for Google calendar when I try to create a new calendar. Indeed the TimeZone of the calendar is not considered, the calendar is create but the TimeZone is the one by default. The same thing for the Selected option of the calendar.
time_zone = Europe/Paris
calendar = gdata.calendar.data.CalendarEntry()
calendar.title = atom.data.Title(text= testMaj1 )
calendar.timezone = gdata.calendar.data.TimeZoneProperty(value=time_zone)
calendar.hidden = gdata.calendar.data.HiddenProperty(value= false )
calendar.selected = gdata.calendar.data.SelectedProperty(value= true )
new_calendar = client.InsertCalendar(new_calendar=calendar)
I ve search for the different possibilities of timezone and I ve found ( http://code.google.com/intl/fr-FR/apis/adwords/docs/developer/adwords_api_timezones.html ) Europe/Paris so I tried it without success. I test with another timezone and it s the same.