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如何利用DATA-PUMP向S3 bucket出口?
原标题:How to export using DATA_PUMP to S3 bucket?

我们有RDS(Oracle)的例子,我需要将具体的Schema出口到倾销档案中。 出口工程和复印件存放在DATA_PUMP_DIR。 问题在于,区域局没有档案目录。


The article: 在两个区域数据系统之间,而不是在S3或EC2之间,就数据倾置档案进行商谈。


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 第三选项: 我正在使用。

  1. 查阅alexandria-plsql-utils项目,特别参看:amazon_aws_auth_pkg ,amazon_aws_s3_pkg

  2. Install required packages and dependencies.

  3. 您的垃圾堆放场,然后在你下面有这样的编号,可把亚马孙区域安全局的Oracle号档案复制到S3桶。

       b_blob blob;
       b_blob := file_util_pkg.get_blob_from_file ( DATA_PUMP_DIR ,  my_dump.dmp );
       amazon_aws_auth_pkg.init ( aws_key_id , aws_secret , p_gmt_offset => 0);
       amazon_aws_s3_pkg.new_object( my-bucket-name ,  my_dump.dmp , b_blob,  application/octet-stream );



There are several ways to solve this problem. First option.

  1. Install a free database version of the Oracle XE version on EC2 instance(It is very easy and fast)
  2. Export a schema from the RDS instance to DATA_PUMP_DIR directory. Use DBMS_DATAPUMP package or run expdp user/pass@rds on EC2 to create a dump file.
  3. Create database link on RDS instance between RDS DB and Oracle XE DB.

If you are creating a database link between two DB instances inside the same VPC or peered VPCs the two DB instances should have a valid route between them. Adjusting Database Links for Use with DB Instances in a VPC

  1. Copy the dump files from RDS instance to Oracle XE DB on EC2 uses the DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER.PUT_FILE via database link

  2. FCCC/SBI/2008/L.13。

Second option. Use the obsolete utility exp to export. It has restrictions on the export of certain types of data and is slower.

  1. Run exp user/password@rds on EC2 instance.
  2. Copy files from the directory Oracle XE on EC2 instance to the S3

Original export is desupported for general use as of Oracle Database 11g. The only supported use of Original Export in 11g is backward migration of XMLType data to a database version 10g release 2 (10.2) or earlier. Therefore, Oracle recommends that you use the new Data Pump Export and Import utilities, except in the following situations which require Original Export and Import: Original Export and Import

现在有可能从Oracle数据库直接获得S3桶。 请查看以下文件:https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/oracle-s3-integration.html

And here the official news that this is supported: https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2019/02/Amazon-RDS-for-Oracle-Now-Supports-Amazon-S3-Integration/?nc1=h_ls

It seems that the first post was a little bit to early to get this news. But anyway this post lists further good solutions like the database link.


Use: rdsadmin.rdsadmin_s3_tasks

A similar approach is used to first pull a datapump file to the oracle DIRECTORY, then use datapump to import it. Either DBMS_DATAPUMP or impdp is able to reference the file in the directory.

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