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ASP.NET C# Bool型式投放
原标题:ASP.NET C# Bool type casting

This code throwing out an error:

    bool status1 = (bool)Cache["cache_req_head"];
    bool status2 = (bool)Cache["cache_super"];
    bool status3 = (bool)Cache["cache_head"];


if (checkreqhead == true)
            Cache["cache_req_head"] = true;
        else if (checksuper == true)
            Cache["cache_super"] = true;
        else if (checkhead == true)
            Cache["cache_head"] = true;

Coming from PHP background, this is awkward. The error is:


I m certain it is something really simple, but probably I can t spot it.



“未提及物体的标的”为c# lingo,“在座标有<代码>null数值”


bool status1 = (bool)Cache["cache_req_head"];


bool status1 = false;
if (Cache["cache_req_head"] != null)
   status1 = (bool)Cache["cache_req_head"];

这是因为,在c#中,价值类型(如ool、 in等)不能无效。 有一个包装,Nullable<T> with the shorthand T?, 您如果想允许价值类型的无效价值,就可以使用。


bool? status1 = (bool?)Cache["cache_req_head"];

然后,可以核对<代码>status1 = 无或status1.HasValue,以便获得你需要用<代码>status1”取出的实际保值。 数值。 请参看<代码>status1。 数值,status1 = 无 你们将获得像你刚才那样的暂时例外。


Actually, the best way to check for whether a value exists or not in Cache is by doing:

//string is used as an example; you should put the type you expect
string variable = Cache["KEY"] as string;

  // do something

为什么做if(Cache[“KEY”]!=null) myVariable=Cache[“Key”];是不安全的,因为存储在Cache[“Key”]上的物体,在有机会指定其为myVariable之前,可以从/code>上删除。

You obviously only setting one of the cache entries at a time. So unless you run the "setter" code 3 times with only 1 variable set to true, then you always going to have nulls returned. null does not cast into bool because its a value type. Try using bool?


You d have to check if that key exists first, or you d have to set each key to "false" as a default.

Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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