I ve been enjoying the features of Visual Studio Code, but there s one specific behavior that has been counterproductive for me: the automatic pairing of triple backticks (```) in Markdown files.
To clarify, I m not looking to disable all auto-pairings—just the triple backticks. Whenever I type a single backtick, VS Code automatically completes it with two additional backticks. This is time-consuming to remove manually each time and disrupts my workflow.
Here s an example of what happens:
Markdown - VS Code - Triple Backticks
Is there a way to disable this feature? If not, could someone guide me on how to disable this behavior in my own settings?
I ve seen a similar question but it doesn t address my specific need to disable only the triple backticks while keeping other auto-pairings intact.
是否有办法实现这一目标? 否则,有人会指导我如何在我的环境下改变这种行为? 我试图通过《安全法》的环境和关键的约束性选择进行搜索,以找到一种办法,具体地消除三重背书的自动配对,但并未发现这种情形。 我预计会找到一种办法,使我能够放弃这一特殊的汽车停机,同时把其他人保留下来。 实际发生的情况是,每当我打一个单一的背书时,它就自动填写三重背书,然后我不得不人工删除。 我也创建了一个Gite Hub问题,以解决这一关切。 此外,》,但尚未找到解决办法或工作。 I was expecting to find an option within the VS Code settings that would allow me to disable the automatic pairing of triple backticks specifically, while keeping other auto-pairings active.