EDIT: As of the end of June, 2011, the extension below is now included with Python Markdown.
Here is a Markdown extension that I wrote and am currently testing on my site to do exactly what you want:
A python-markdown extension to treat newlines as hard breaks; like
StackOverflow and GitHub flavored Markdown do.
import markdown
BR_RE = r
class Nl2BrExtension(markdown.Extension):
def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
br_tag = markdown.inlinepatterns.SubstituteTagPattern(BR_RE, br )
md.inlinePatterns.add( nl , br_tag, _end )
def makeExtension(configs=None):
return Nl2BrExtension(configs)
I put this in a file called mdx_nl2br.py and put it on my PYTHONPATH. You can then use it in a Django template like this:
{{ value|markdown:"nl2br" }}
If you d like to use it in regular code, you can do something like this:
import markdown
md = markdown.Markdown(safe_mode=True, extensions=[ nl2br ])
converted_text = md.convert(text)
Here is the starting point in the docs for using and writing extensions.