English 中文(简体)
原标题:Casting COALESCE to INT in Stored Procedure


COALESCE(A.Attended, 0)AS Attended

如果他们出席,如果他们不参加,我的报告仅显示1或0,即使他们能够参加过一次以上的会议。 怎么能够把这一点推到一旁,以达到正确的目标。


WHOLE questRY:

    COUNT(COALESCE(A.Attended, 0))AS Attended,
    COUNT(DISTINCT H.HearingId) AS Hearings,
    O.OfficeName As OfficeName,
    P.FirstName AS FirstName,
    P.LastName AS LastName,
    P.BirthDate AS DOB
FROM Activity A 
INNER JOIN ActivityType AT On A.ActivityTypeId = AT.ActivityTypeId
INNER JOIN ActivityEntry AE ON A.ActivityEntryId = AE.ActivityEntryId
INNER JOIN HearingEntry HE ON CAE.HearingEntryId = HE.HearingEntryId
INNER JOIN Hearing H ON HE.HearingEntryId = H.HearingEntryId
INNER JOIN [Case] C ON H.CaseId = C.CaseId
INNER JOIN CaseOffice CO ON C.CaseId = CO.CaseId AND AE.OfficeId = CO.OfficeId
INNER JOIN Office O ON CO.OfficeId = O.OfficeId
INNER JOIN Attended A ON H.HearingId = A.HearingId
INNER JOIN Party P ON A.PartyId = P.PartyId
WHERE HP.PartyId = P.PartyId AND AE.OfficeId = @OfficeId AND(H.HearingDate >= @BeginDate AND (H.HearingDate <= @EndDate OR H.HearingDate IS NULL)) AND HE.HearingEntryId = CAE.HearingEntryId
GROUP BY P.PartyId, A.Attended, O.OfficeName,CO.Name,P.FirstName, P.LastName,P.BirthDate


    (SUM(COALESCE(A.Attended, 0)))AS Attended,
    COUNT(DISTINCT H.HearingId) AS Hearings,
    O.OfficeName As OfficeName,
    P.FirstName AS FirstName,
    P.LastName AS LastName,
    P.BirthDate AS DOB
FROM Activity A 
INNER JOIN ActivityType AT On A.ActivityTypeId = AT.ActivityTypeId
INNER JOIN ActivityEntry AE ON A.ActivityEntryId = AE.ActivityEntryId
INNER JOIN HearingEntry HE ON CAE.HearingEntryId = HE.HearingEntryId
INNER JOIN Hearing H ON HE.HearingEntryId = H.HearingEntryId
INNER JOIN [Case] C ON H.CaseId = C.CaseId
INNER JOIN CaseOffice CO ON C.CaseId = CO.CaseId AND AE.OfficeId = CO.OfficeId
INNER JOIN Office O ON CO.OfficeId = O.OfficeId
INNER JOIN Attended A ON H.HearingId = A.HearingId
INNER JOIN Party P ON A.PartyId = P.PartyId
WHERE HP.PartyId = P.PartyId AND AE.OfficeId = @OfficeId AND(H.HearingDate >= @BeginDate AND (H.HearingDate <= @EndDate OR H.HearingDate IS NULL)) AND HE.HearingEntryId = CAE.HearingEntryId
GROUP BY P.PartyId, O.OfficeName,CO.Name,P.FirstName, P.LastName,P.BirthDate



CAST(A.Attented AS INT)


COALESCE(CAST(A.Attended AS INT), 0) AS Attended

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