I want to be able to have a Stored Procedure that can only be used from a particular page, without having to create a permissions / role for a user, when it is just a single stored procedure I want accessed in this way.
For example I want to have a proc_GetCustomerItems stored procedure which takes the Parameter of CustomerID and then returns a list of Items a Customer has purchased, however I want this to only work for the place which lists the Customer Items eg. the ASP Page which shows this list, but not work from anywhere else, such as Query Analyser etc.
Would this be done with another parameter to provide additional security information, the basic issue is how to allow only certain Methods and Pages access to a Stored Procedure, could this be done with a Role or Permissions?
The main issue is how to set the access rights to a Stored Procedure correctly to a particular method in code, which will help enforce the use of said Stored Procedure, so one has to explicitly allow a GetCustomerItems method (in ASP for example) access to use this Stored Procedure.
I m guessing Roles and User Access will be the suggested alternative, but I would be interested if it is possible to restrict access to a Stored Procedure by where it is called from.