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原标题:Matrix display from a SQL Server 2008 table

Does anyone know how to create a matrix display from a database table?
I m using ASP.NET C# and the database is SQL Server 2008.


enter image description here




使用TSQL pivot

create table table1
    serverName varchar(30),
    app varchar(50)

insert table1 (serverName , app) values ( server1  ,  app A );
insert table1 (serverName , app) values ( server2  ,  app A );
insert table1 (serverName , app) values ( server2  ,  app B );
insert table1 (serverName , app) values ( server3  ,  app B );
insert table1 (serverName , app) values ( server1  ,  app C );
insert table1 (serverName , app) values ( server3  ,  app C );

create procedure GetPivotTable
as begin
DECLARE @PivotColumnHeaders VARCHAR(MAX)
SELECT @PivotColumnHeaders = 
  COALESCE(@PivotColumnHeaders +  ,[  + cast(t.serverName as varchar) +  ]  ,
   [  + cast(t.serverName as varchar)+  ] )
FROM (select distinct serverName from table1) t

SET @PivotTableSQL = N 
select * from
(select  app, serverName from table1)  sourceTable
    count(serverName) for serverName in (  + @PivotColumnHeaders +  )
) pivottable


exec GetPivotTable

My suggestion here would be to pull the data out in exactly the format you have it, into a List of entities (at its simplest):

public class ServerApplicationRelationship
   public string Server{get;set;}
   public string Application{get;set;}

并形成一种习惯控制,使一个使用<代码>的超文本表格成为可能。 List<ServerApplicationRelationship> as its datasource.


如果你really想要从 s中提取数据,你可以使用 que等方法。

select application,
          case when exists(select 1 from example where application=ex.application and server= server 1 ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 end as [server 1],
          case when exists(select 1 from example where application=ex.application and server= server 2 ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 end as [server 2],
          case when exists(select 1 from example where application=ex.application and server= server 3 ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 end as [server 3]
    from yourTable ex
    group by application

Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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