I have made a work arround for this .
so when you want to put the encripted string inside the url for(IIS)
you have to clean it from dirty :{ ";", "/", "?", ":", "@", "&", "=", "+", "$", "," };
and when you want to decript it and use it again , you have to make it dirty again before decript it (to get the wanted result) .
public static string cleanUpEncription(string encriptedstring)
string[] dirtyCharacters = { ";", "/", "?", ":", "@", "&", "=", "+", "$", "," };
string[] cleanCharacters = { "p2n3t4G5l6m","s1l2a3s4h","q1e2st3i4o5n" ,"T22p14nt2s", "a9t" , "a2n3nd","e1q2ua88l","p22l33u1ws","d0l1ar5","c0m8a1a"};
foreach (string dirtyCharacter in dirtyCharacters)
encriptedstring=encriptedstring.Replace(dirtyCharacter, cleanCharacters[Array.IndexOf(dirtyCharacters, dirtyCharacter)]);
return encriptedstring;
public static string MakeItDirtyAgain(string encriptedString)
string[] dirtyCharacters = { ";", "/", "?", ":", "@", "&", "=", "+", "$", "," };
string[] cleanCharacters = { "p2n3t4G5l6m", "s1l2a3s4h", "q1e2st3i4o5n", "T22p14nt2s", "a9t", "a2n3nd", "e1q2ua88l", "p22l33u1ws", "d0l1ar5", "c0m8a1a" };
foreach (string symbol in cleanCharacters)
encriptedString = encriptedString.Replace(symbol, dirtyCharacters[Array.IndexOf(cleanCharacters,symbol)]);
return encriptedString;