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为了测试目的,我怎么能模仿Iot HubserviceClient? (v2)
原标题:How can I mock IotHubServiceClient for testing purposes? (v2)

我有一个类别<代码>Iot Hubservice,该类别取决于C# IoT Hub SDK sIot HubserviceClient(SDK的五2版,目前正在审查之中),以对IoT/2007/5进行各种查询。 我试图通过撰写一些测试和模拟依赖物来提高我这一类人的可靠性:

public async Task GetDeviceByIdAsync_ValidDeviceId_ReturnsDevice()
    // Arrange
    string deviceId = "testDeviceId";
    Device expectedDevice = new Device(deviceId);

    // Create a mock IotHubServiceClient
    Mock<IotHubServiceClient> mockIotHubServiceClient = new Mock<IotHubServiceClient>();
            .Setup(c => c.Devices.GetAsync(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<CancellationToken>()))

    // Create an instance of IoTHubService using the mock client
    IotHubService ioTHubService = new IotHubService(mockIotHubServiceClient.Object);

    // Act
    Device result = await ioTHubService.GetDeviceByIdAsync(deviceId);

    // Assert
    Assert.Equal(expectedDevice, result);
    mockIotHubServiceClient.Verify(c => c.Devices.GetAsync(deviceId, default(CancellationToken)), Times.Once);


System.NotSupportedException: Invalid setup on a non-virtual (overable in VB) member: mock => mock. 装置'


Edit: What my IotHubService class looks like:

public class IotHubService : IIotHubService
        protected readonly IotHubServiceClient _iotHubServiceClient;

        public IotHubService(string connectionString)
            _iotHubServiceClient = new IotHubServiceClient(connectionString);

        public IotHubService(IotHubServiceClient iotHubServiceClient)
            _iotHubServiceClient = iotHubServiceClient;

        public async Task<Device> GetDeviceByIdAsync(string deviceId)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(deviceId));

                return await _iotHubServiceClient.Devices.GetAsync(deviceId);
            catch (Exception)

Using IotHubService with Azure IoT, I am able to mock and test.

  • Sample example with mock test and unit test.
public class IotHubServiceTests
    private const string ConnectionString = "  ";

    public async Task CheckDeviceConnection_DeviceExists_ReturnsTrue()
        var iotHubService = new IotHubService(ConnectionString);
        var deviceId = " ";

        Device device = await iotHubService.GetDeviceByIdAsync(deviceId);

        Assert.Equal(deviceId, device.Id);
        Assert.True(device.ConnectionState == DeviceConnectionState.Connected);

        if (device != null && device.ConnectionState == DeviceConnectionState.Connected)
            Console.WriteLine("CheckDeviceConnection_DeviceExists_ReturnsTrue: Passed");
            Console.WriteLine("CheckDeviceConnection_DeviceExists_ReturnsTrue: Failed");

    public async Task CheckDeviceConnection_DeviceNotFound_ReturnsFalse()
        var iotHubService = new IotHubService(ConnectionString);
        var deviceId = "nonexistent_device";

        Device device = await iotHubService.GetDeviceByIdAsync(deviceId);


        if (device == null)
            Console.WriteLine("CheckDeviceConnection_DeviceNotFound_ReturnsFalse: Passed");
            Console.WriteLine("CheckDeviceConnection_DeviceNotFound_ReturnsFalse: Failed");

    public async Task CheckDeviceConnection_NullDeviceId_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
        var iotHubService = new IotHubService(ConnectionString);
        string deviceId = null;

        await Assert.ThrowsAsync<ArgumentNullException>(() => iotHubService.GetDeviceByIdAsync(deviceId));

        Console.WriteLine("CheckDeviceConnection_NullDeviceId_ThrowsArgumentNullException: Passed");

public class IotHubService
    private readonly RegistryManager _registryManager;

    public IotHubService(string connectionString)
        _registryManager = RegistryManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);

    public async Task<Device> GetDeviceByIdAsync(string deviceId)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceId))
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(deviceId));

            return await _registryManager.GetDeviceAsync(deviceId);
        catch (DeviceNotFoundException)
            return null;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;
static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine("Running Xunit tests...");

    var assembly = typeof(Program).Assembly;
    var assemblyLocation = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
    var result = Xunit.ConsoleClient.Program.Main(new[] { assemblyLocation });

    if (result == 0)
        Console.WriteLine("Xunit tests passed.");
        Console.WriteLine("Xunit tests failed.");

    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");

Output: enter image description here

With Mocking and Testing:

    public async Task CheckDeviceConnection_DeviceExists_ReturnsTrue()
        // Arrange
        var deviceId = "mytestdevice1";
        var mockRegistryManager = new Mock<RegistryManager>();
        mockRegistryManager.Setup(manager => manager.GetDeviceAsync(deviceId))
                           .ReturnsAsync(new Device(deviceId));

        var iotHubService = new IotHubService(ConnectionString, mockRegistryManager.Object);

        // Act
        Device device = await iotHubService.GetDeviceByIdAsync(deviceId);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(deviceId, device.Id);
        Assert.True(device.ConnectionState == DeviceConnectionState.Connected);

        // Print the result of this test
        if (device != null && device.ConnectionState == DeviceConnectionState.Connected)
            Console.WriteLine("CheckDeviceConnection_DeviceExists_ReturnsTrue: Passed");
            Console.WriteLine("CheckDeviceConnection_DeviceExists_ReturnsTrue: Failed");

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