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GUI图书馆替代Twitter Boots Screen吗? [闭门]
原标题:GUI library alternative to Twitter Bootstrap? [closed]

Twitter has released a GUI framework/library called Bootstrap.


有些人可能建议 j,但我认为, j子/图表还不够好。


Here is another: http://www.99lime.com/elements/ ( http://github.com/joshuagatcke/HTML-KickStart )

超文本的KickStart是超时的一组超文本5,CSS,和j Query(javascript)档案、布局以及旨在让你在下个网络项目上启动和节省10个小时的内容。

Took the words out my mouth with Foundation and Kickstart. Also, you may want to check out HTML5 Boilerplate Redux and/or the original Boilerplate. I ve done extensive research in templates, alas, these are the best when it comes to plug-and-play.

然而,如果你想要流动的话,则在Skeleton(正如先前在校友——我爱它)就座。 框架 (如果你正确的话,它看上去是一刀切的加装非常快)



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