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How might I grab all windows with a certain word in their titles?

I m running gnome and have a program that spawns off a large number of separate processes each with its own gui window. I d like to be able to selectively grab open windows whose titles match a certain pattern to close them. Anyone know a way to do this easily ?


You definitely want to use python-wnck (for documentation, you might need to look for python-gnome-extras, or the Perl bindings, or just the plain C documentation). WNCK is written to make it easy to look at screens, workspaces, and windows. Something like this:

import pygtk
pygtk.require( 2.0 )
import gtk
import wnck

screen = wnck.screen_get_default()
while gtk.events_pending():

windows = screen.get_windows()
for w in windows:
    if w.get_name() ==  foo :

...but I haven t tested it.

(Also, this won t be GNOME-specific. It works with any desktop environment.)


Great stuff jleedev, here s a minor tweak to scriptify it it and use a pattern to match the windows.


import pygtk
pygtk.require( 2.0 )
import gtk
import wnck
import re
import sys

if(len(sys.argv) < 2):
  print  A regex pattern is required to match window titles 
  print  Usage: wkill <regex> 

screen = wnck.screen_get_default()
while gtk.events_pending():

titlePattern = re.compile(sys.argv[1])

windows = screen.get_windows()
for w in windows:
  if titlePattern.match(w.get_name()):
    print "Closing window - ", w.get_name()

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