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Blackberry: Sybase(SUP):Login ToSync:登记册反馈
原标题:Blackberry: Sybase(SUP): LoginToSync: register callback



I m currently blocked by this line

SUP101DB.loginToSync("supAdmin", "s3pAdmin");


the IOS version of the SUP registers a eventlistener and a callback

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(onLoginSuccess:) name:ON_LOGIN_SUCCESS object:nil];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(onLoginFailure:) name:ON_LOGIN_FAILURE object:nil];

how can I do the same with Blackberry ?


loginToSync() tries offlineLogin first. If offlineLogin fails, it will try onlineLogin. This is the recommended login method. I am not pretty sure about the exception type, you get if it fails. But i guess it throws the ULjException exception from synchronize() method, which is present in SUP MBO generated code.



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