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looking for a good documentation/tutorial for sybase [closed]
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Closed 10 years ago.

I need to work with this db and would like to get a quick start. Would anyone recommend a decent documentation/tutorial/examples?

I didn t find anything useful at the official website


All of the documentation for the iAnywhere products are on DocCommentXchange. They include programming guides with some examples.

You might also be interested in SQLA, the Sybase SQL Anywhere stack overflow clone.

Note that these sites aren t geared towards ASE or other non-SQL Anywhere products.


This is the one that I used when I was learning sybase. Its big, but you can search for individual topics to learn only what you need.


I would recommend you take a look at the sybase manuals online, choose your database and language then you can see the various reference manuals etc.



Rob Verschoor has a lot of interesting information on sybase ASE/RS

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