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原标题:get extension of file(edit)

i 想要获得尿素的延伸档案。

for example get extension http://www.iranfairco.com/download-file/02912bb889cb24. if extension this file is gif.


for example this url "http://www.online-convert.com/result/d8b423c3cbc05000cc52ce7015873e72"



为什么 Path.GetExtension 你们不工作?

Ah, so your url doesn t specify the extension you are after. That means anything could be behind it.

仅通过检查这艘船的扼杀价值,你就可以看看看它背后什么。 阁下(第二)对案卷(最后)的点,但也可以是案卷(甚至.)。

You will need to do a webrequest to see what you get back. Usually you could try a HEAD to get just the headers (and inspect the content type), but I don t think that will work here. Try Fiddler to see what you get back, then you can refine your question.



rel=“nofollow” http://www.java2s.com/Code/CSharp/Network/GetHTTPResponseheaders.htm

你将有兴趣做出回应。 给你像“im/if”一样的图像


string path = @"http://www.iranfairco.com/download-file/02912bb889cb24.gif";
 string e = Path.GetExtension(path );




你们只能把脚.分开。 在返回的阵列中最后摆放。

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