English 中文(简体)
原标题:Reading xml file?
  • 时间:2011-10-15 07:50:13
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • xml


 <Year Year="2011">
  <Month Month="10">
    <Day Day="10" AccessStartTime="01:15 PM" ExitTime="01:15 PM" />
    <Day Day="11" AccessStartTime="01:15 PM" ExitTime="01:15 PM" />
    <Day Day="12" AccessStartTime="01:15 PM" ExitTime="01:15 PM" />
    <Day Day="13" AccessStartTime="01:15 PM" ExitTime="01:15 PM" />
   <Month Month="11">
    <Day Day="12" AccessStartTime="01:16 PM" ExitTime="01:16 PM" />



使用<代码>Linq-XML 或公布你所尝试的法典。

var list = from ele in XDocument.Load(@"c:filename.xml").Descendants("Year")
           select new  
                       Year = (string)ele.Attribute("Year"),
                       Month= (string)ele.Element("Month").Attribute("Month"),
                       Day = (string)ele.Element("Month").Element("Day").Attribute("Day")
foreach (var t in list)
     Console.WriteLine(t.Year + " " + t.Month + " " + t.Day );

我同意DVD的建议,即使用LINQ到XML。 寻找特定年份和月份的所有天数很简单:

XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("file.xml");
var days = doc.Elements("Year").Where(y => (int) y.Attribute("Year") == year)
              .Elements("Month").Where(m => (int) m.Attribute("Month") == month)


The result is a sequence of the Day elements for the specified month and year.

In most cases I d actually write one method call per line, but in this case I thought it looked better to have one full filter of both element and attribute per line.

请注意,在LINQ中,some查询最终更容易使用查询词,有些可在上文使用的“dot notation” I ve中读取。

你要求解释一部DVD的代码,因此,你可能同样受到地雷的侵扰,而不是解释准则Q至XML和LINQ的界限,即我的代码正在使用。 这些技术将帮助你在整个地方的代码。

Take a look at this example how to represent the xml with root node and using xml reader how to get the data ....

using System;
 using System.Xml;

 class Program
  static void Main()
       // Create an XML reader for this file.
       using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create("perls.xml"))
        while (reader.Read())
        // Only detect start elements.
        if (reader.IsStartElement())
            // Get element name and switch on it.
            switch (reader.Name)
            case "perls":
                // Detect this element.
                Console.WriteLine("Start <perls> element.");
            case "article":
                // Detect this article element.
                Console.WriteLine("Start <article> element.");
                // Search for the attribute name on this current node.
                string attribute = reader["name"];
                if (attribute != null)
                Console.WriteLine("  Has attribute name: " + attribute);
                // Next read will contain text.
                if (reader.Read())
                Console.WriteLine("  Text node: " + reader.Value.Trim());


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <article name="backgroundworker">
    Example text.
    <article name="threadpool">
    More text.
    <article>Final text.</article>


Start <perls> element.
Start <article> element.
  Has attribute name: backgroundworker
  Text node: Example text.
Start <article> element.
  Has attribute name: threadpool
  Text node: More text.
Start <article> element.
  Text node:
Start <article> element.
  Text node: Final text.

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