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原标题:Java to Android conversion problems

我有一部相当复杂的 Java(JDK 6)法,需要转换,以便在安康开展工作。 该《 Java法》旨在与图象相配合:因此,有一门延伸JLabel(缝).部件)、“PaintComponent”方法重塑,使JLabel(`cuts')能够像一个圈子一样观看,并用屏幕(我知道,我知道——即可能使用“drawCircle”方法,但需要扩大JLabel,因为它有一部分人。

现在,一只存在问题——似乎没有“等级”类型、“职业”类型、“弹性”类型、“责任”方法,而且毕竟没有设想什么控制应当用来根据(在JDK 6中,即使用JPanel作为定制的JLabels的集装箱)。

请帮助! 我需要就如何将贾瓦逻辑转换成安康逻辑的最痛苦方法提出一些建议?


rel=“nofollow”>Graphics ,用于绘画。

Have a look at Shape Drawable which should assist you in drawing rectangles. Instead of JLabel use TextView. You will have to spend some time in getting to know Android and redrawing your GUI, but I hope I provided some good starting points.
Also note that depending on complexity of your code, you may not be able to use all your Java code, becase Android doesn t provide full Java version.


AFAIK Android doesn t support Swing, so you re going to have to use equivalent Android UI classes. The android UI classes are not a 1-to-1 match with Swing classes, so sometimes an Android port means you need to do a pretty heavy UI rewrite.


相反使用案文。 您可在Xml或java法典中宣布案文。

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